
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Artichoke Dip with Cheddar Cheese

Artichoke Dip with Cheddar Cheese

This Make Ahead, No-Bake Dip is Perfect for Parties

Having people over?  Whether you’ve invited just a couple of friends for a quiet evening, or your entire address book for the annual Super Bowl bash, you probably don’t want to stress over last-minute dishes.  So I’ll bet you’re in the market for a crowd-pleasing dish that won’t take too much work on your part — and one that you can make ahead of time.

May I introduce you to this tangy Artichoke Dip with Cheddar Cheese?  It’s a no-bake dish (unlike many of the artichoke dips out there), so you won’t need to be fussing over it just as your doorbell starts ringing.  And it improves in flavor if you make it a few hours ahead (or even the day before your event). 

Set it out with some chips, crackers, or raw veggie crudités, and let people serve themselves.  Your guests will rave about it — and assume you went to a lot of trouble to make it. 

In truth, this dip takes mere minutes to whip up, but they don’t have to know that.  What happens in the kitchen stays in the kitchen, right?

Artichoke Dip with Cheddar Cheese

Recipe:  Artichoke Dip with Cheddar Cheese

Like many dips, this one has a base of sour cream and mayonnaise.  To which you add canned artichokes, cheddar cheese, and flavorings.  And then you’re done. 

A lot of artichoke dips have a similar flavor profile.  This recipe was inspired by a dip that we found at a small, local grocery chain (Straub’s, for those of you familiar with St. Louis). Mrs. Kitchen Riffs and I used to buy it there frequently — until we asked ourselves whether we could recreate a similar dip at home. This is our result — and I think it’s better than the original.

Prep time for this recipe is 5 to 8 minutes.  Then it’s best to let the dip chill for at least an hour before you serve it (overnight is even better — it lets the flavors mingle and get to know one another).

This recipe yields just under 2 cups (enough for at least a bag of chips) and it’s easily doubled.  Leftovers will store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for a week or so.

  • ~12 to 14 ounces marinated artichoke hearts (jar sizes vary, but you want to be in this ballpark)
  • 4 ounces grated cheddar cheese (about 1 cup)
  • ~½ cup sour cream (or a bit more; measurements in this recipe need not be spot-on)
  • ~½ cup mayonnaise (or a bit less)
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • ½ teaspoon dried oregano
  • ½ teaspoon kosher salt (optional)
  • 1 to 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice (or to taste; I prefer about 3 teaspoons, but you really notice the lemon if you use this much)
  • ~1 teaspoon extra grated cheddar for garnish (optional)
  1. Drain and rinse artichoke hearts.  Place in bowl of food processor (you can also do this step by hand; see Notes).
  2. Grate cheese and add to food processor bowl.  Pulse to reduce the artichoke hearts and cheese to a loose paste.
  3. Dump the paste into a bowl, and add sour cream and mayonnaise.  Beat together.
  4. Add the garlic powder, oregano, and kosher salt.  Beat together.
  5. Add the lemon juice (use just a bit at first) and beat in.  Taste, and add more lemon juice or salt if necessary.
  6. You can serve right away, but its flavor is better if you chill in the refrigerator in an air tight container for at least an hour.  When serving, a sprinkling of grated cheddar cheese makes a nice garnish.
Artichoke Dip with Cheddar Cheese

  • You can probably make this whole dish in the food processor if you wish — just add the sour cream, mayonnaise, and flavorings to the processor bowl and whirl away.  But I like to dump it into a separate bowl in Step 3 so I can taste as I mix.
  • If you don’t have a food processor, just mince the artichoke hearts with a knife, and add to a bowl along with the grated cheese.  Mash together with a big spoon until the artichoke hearts and cheese begin to form a paste.  Then proceed with adding the sour cream and mayonnaise as directed in Step 3.
  • You can experiment with ingredients and quantities somewhat to suit your taste.  For example, if you want a very cheese-forward flavor, you might want to increase the amount of grated cheddar (the cheese is a background flavor in this dip as the recipe is currently written).  Or maybe replace the sour cream with yogurt.
  • Speaking of sour cream, you can use either full-fat or reduced-fat for this recipe.  It’s slightly more luscious with full-fat sour cream, but this recipe has so much flavor, you won’t even notice if you opt for a low-fat version.  Ditto with the mayonnaise.
  • You can probably substitute frozen artichoke hearts in this recipe if you choose.  I haven’t made it that way, but it sounds pretty good.
  • I don’t think this recipe needs black pepper (or anything hotter, like cayenne), but add it if you like.
  • You can substitute finely minced fresh garlic for the garlic powder (start with a clove, and add more if necessary).  Or substitute a different herb for the oregano  — thyme, dill, marjoram, Italian seasoning, or herbes de Provence would be nice choices
Artichoke Dip with Cheddar Cheese

Super Bowl Fare

“This dip is terrific,” Mrs. Kitchen Riffs said, reaching for another chip.  “Better than the original, don’t you think?”

“I do,” I replied, my dip-laden chip hovering midair.  “Great for the Super Bowl, or any party.  But our Smoky Salmon and Cream Cheese Dip would also make super party fare. As would California Clam Dip. That one’s a classic! Who doesn’t like it?"

“It’s one of my favorites,” agreed Mrs K R. “I always make it on New Year’s Eve! Another great dip for the big game might be Velveeta Tex-Mex Dip. Or if you don’t want all of that cheese, whip up a batch of Homemade Salsa and Picante Sauce to accompany your tortilla chips. Or if you can find fresh peaches, Peach Salsa. But I like cheese, so I’d probably vote for Pimento Cheese, although that’s more of a spread than a dip.”

“When it comes to cheese,” I said, loading up another chip, “my favorite party food might be our terrific Cheese Straws. And say, we haven’t made Homemade Chex Mix in quite a while! That would also go well. Or for something lighter and quicker, Microwave Popcorn."

“And of course there are those great Spicy Party Nuts we posted about earlier in the week,” Mrs K R added. “I’ll eat those anytime.”

“Right!” I enthused. “Those are wonderful. Say, in our last post you said you’d be preparing some kind of sweet for the big game.  Want to clue us in?”

“You’ll have to wait until Sunday to find out,” Mrs K R said.  “But it’s super easy to make, and super tasty.  And it takes very little time.  Everyone probably has all the ingredients they need already on hand.”

“Not even a hint?” I pleaded.

Mrs K R smiled.  And bit into another chip.

I took that as a no.  See you on Sunday.

You may also enjoy reading about:
Spicy Party Nuts
Frito Pie with Chili
Chili Basics
Salmon and Cream Cheese Dip Pimento Cheese
Salsa and Picante Sauce
Cheese Straws
California Clam Dip
Homemade Chex Mix
Velveeta Tex-Mex Dip
Microwave Popcorn


  1. Great dip - I like that the artichokes stand out so much since so often it is the artichoke and spinach pairing when it comes to dips!

    1. Hi Alyssa, you're right about spinach stealing the show in so many "artichoke" dips. You really do taste artichoke in this one! Thanks for the comment.

  2. Very interesting! I'm used to the typical artichoke/mozz/Parmesan flavors so I love the idea of doing a match with some sharp cheddar to let the artichokes take more of center stage.

    1. Hi Food Jaunts, the artichoke and Parmesan combo is classic, but the cheddar really adds a different twist. Good stuff! ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  3. I love artichoke dip. I'll add this to stand by 3 ingredient artichoke dip which is a family favorite. Might have to do a cook off!

    1. Hi Abbe, there can never be too many dip recipes! A cook off would be fun. Thanks for the comment.

  4. Hi John, oh I love dips made with sour cream. I even prefer one that is made only with sour cream, although I am not a big dip fan. But artichoke being one of my favorite vegetables (? can we call a flower bud a vegetable?!) makes this dip worth digging in. And although I am all for fresh ingredients, I do love garlic powder in some food, including this dip. It is not too powerful yet has distinct garlicky flavor. It looks like you all geared up for the big game! :)

    1. Hi Marina, we actually do dips only for parties, and not always even then. But they're all good! I used to resist garlic (and onion) powder, but in some things they work really well. I actually think they work better than fresh in some (not all) dips, even though I know that sounds like heresy. But if it works, it works. ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  5. This sounds wonderful and perfect for game day. I can see adding spinach to this as well. Nice recipe!

    1. Hi Vicki, it's really one of our favorite dips. Adding spinach would be interesting. Thanks for the comment.

  6. This is SO great. You say SuperBowl, I say any soccer match on the weekend. :P Perfect to keep everybody entertained - meaning: shouting as little as possible. :P

    1. Hi Alex, you do have to keep that shouting down, don't you? ;-) This would be wonderful for serving at a soccer match. Thanks for the comment.

  7. Now this is my kind of dip! It has all of the right ingredients, none of the cooking, and can be made in 15 minutes. What's not to love? I would definitely make 2 batches though, and stick one way in the bak of the fridge. After the game and everyone has gone home, I'll grab a beer, the bag of chips I stashed away, and retrieve the back-up dip. I'll be in heaven. Heck ! I might even double dip. :)
    Thanks, John. This dip is going onto my Game Day board, where it can keep your clam dip & salmon dip recipes company.

    1. Hi John, when you're by yourself, this dip certainly inspires double dipping! Making a double batch is a brilliant idea - why didn't I think of that? ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  8. Oh boy I love me some artichoke dip! The cheese makes it so much better, yummm!!

    1. Hi Natalie, doesn't artichoke work so well in a dip? Truly good stuff. Thanks for the comment.

  9. You have me craving dips and chips because this looks brilliant :D
    Great recipe!


    1. Hi Uru, sorry about making your hungry. ;-) But it's worth it, don't you think? Thanks for the comment.

  10. What a lovely looking dip. Love the chip in the side! I'm a big fan of marinated artichokes so I can imagine this has wonderful flavour xx

    1. Hi Charlie, if you like marinated artichokes I'd say you'd really like this dip - tons of flavor. Thanks for the comment.

  11. I like that this dip isn't baked so "no fuss ... no muss" :)

  12. Hi CJ, no fuss, no muss certainly works for me! Thanks for the comment.

  13. Oh goody goody! I have everything but the sour cream, but you do say yogurt could be substituted and I just bought a large plain yogurt. Of course I'll have to use roasted garlic instead of garlic powder. :) You just completed my Super Bowl menu!! Thanks!

    1. Hi MJ, roasted garlic sounds wonderful! And the yogurt will work well - just taste as you mix (you know that!) and maybe cut back on the lemon. ;-) Thanks for your comment.

  14. Oh my! Not just artichoke dip. Not just cheese dip. But two in one? I am sold -- big time! ;)

    1. Hi Carolyn, yeah, it's bad combining both of these, isn't it? ;-) Enjoy! Thanks for the comment.

  15. On my list for Super Bowl. If those are Ruffles on the side, then I'm in heaven for sure!

    1. Hi Kristi, they are indeed Ruffles. ;-) Have a heavenly time watching the game! Thanks for the comment.

  16. So, yeah, I love absolutely everything in this dish! It truly sounds delish ... can't wait to give this one a go!

    1. Hi Kimberly, it's really good. Assuming, of course, you like artichoke hearts and cheddar cheese. ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  17. I am a total sucker for sour cream-based chip dips--you guys must host one stellar Superbowl party! Your company's in for a treat; I hope they know how lucky they are!

    1. Hi Ala, we're party animals! ;-) Thanks for your kind words, and your comment.

  18. I'm so very behind stopping by and commenting on your posts - but know that I've been seeing them and as usual they all look amazing (I am all over that homemade butter!). I'm a sucker for artichoke dips and love how quick and simple this no bake version is. Will have to give it a try. Thanks!

    1. Hi Katherine, good to see you! No worries. ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  19. This is such a great idea and I love artichokes. I would definitely throw everything in the food processor - it's my best friend.

    1. Hi Suzanne, throwing everything into the food processor probably is the most rationale thing - it's easy enough to stop and taste when using that. And it's faster, and you don't dirty an extra bowl that way. Thanks for the comment.

  20. Replies
    1. Hi Karen, should I tell everyone the party is at your house? ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  21. I like all the possibilities this recipe brings, like subbing Greek yogurt for a probiotic bent, or throwing in some jalapenos for a spicy version. Best part, no baking or fussing over a long list of ingredients for a last minute "ta-da" we sometimes need. Love it!

    1. Hi Judy, the good thing about most dips is they're so open to tinkering. Greek yogurt would be lovely in this (it's lovely in anything!). Thanks for the comment.

  22. Such a great dip, artichokes and sour cream, love these ingredients and it's easy to prepare too!
    Looking forward for Mrs.K.R.'s mystery sweet on Sunday :)

    1. Hi Daniela, isn't it a nice dip? I'm looking forward to Mrs K R's mystery sweet too! Thanks for the comment.

  23. Great combination of sour cream and artichoke. I love both of them and when combined....can imagine the taste.

    1. Hi Shibi, it's a great combo! Well worth trying, IMO. Thanks for the comment.

  24. I love artichoke dip, and this would be a great addition to our Superbowl menu.

    Looking forward to seeing what Mrs. KR posts on Sunday!

    1. Hi Beth, this really is a great party dip. I'm looking forward to Sunday, too! Thanks for the comment.

  25. Ooh, I love the sound of your dip! A non-baked artichoke dip is right up my alley...I will save this recipe for our next gathering!

    1. Hi Lizzy, it's a swell dip, and takes practically no time to make! Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for the comment.

  26. This dip sounds like it would be a yummy for any party you are having. I love the combination of ingredients.

    1. Hi Dawn, it's really a fun dip - lots of flavor and zip without being at all spicy. Thanks for the comment.

  27. I loved this one so much and though the world needed to know so I shared this one on facebook. Have a super weekend and take care, BAM

    1. Hi Bam, thanks for sharing on Facebook! And you have a great weekend, too. Thanks for commenting.

  28. i was actually craving for a creamy dip like this earlier today....should've come a little earlier...i finally found a way to use the half jar of artichoke hearts I got from Costco. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Yi, next time you have artichokes and are craving a creamy dip, you'll know where to look. ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  29. A wonderful combination and tasty dip! It has my name written all over it...



    1. Hi Rosa, this has my name written all over it, too! Thanks for the comment.

  30. Two things, artichokes and cheddar cheese.., super delicious! I clicked on the first picture to get the entire effect and wished I could have dipped the chip in and ate one.., or two. Your photos are incredible. The last photo looks as if they are floating and waiting for someone to taste!

    1. Hi Judy, this is a great dip! And as you say, artichokes and cheddar cheese make a really nice combo. Thanks for the kind words, and the comment.

  31. That's a great dip that I will be trying soon!

    1. Hi Pam, I hope you'll like it! Thanks for your comment.

  32. NOTHING beats "no bake" recipes. i always thought artichocke dips required some type of cooking but it's nice to see that's not the case here :D

    1. Hi cakewhiz, isn't it the truth that no-bake recipes are great? A lot of artichoke dips do require baking, but not this one - big time saver! Thanks for the comment.

  33. Gorgeous presentation and pictures! no bake sounds perfect, I bet others agree with me here. I wish I could have some now, its snack time. =)

    1. Hi Helene, this really is a flavorful dip! Really good stuff. ;-) Thanks for the kind words, and the comment.

  34. I want to grab a bag of chips! This sounds great, and I love that it doesn't need to be baked.

    1. Hi Lisa, this recipe brings out the chip muncher in all of us! And I really like the no-bake aspect of this recipe, too. Thanks for the comment.

  35. Even though my husband and I are just staying at home tomorrow alone, I would still love to make this just for the 2 of us! We both love anything with artichokes :)

    1. Hi Kristi, I hate to admit it, but when I made the dip so I could photograph it, it became a large part of dinner that night. ;-) So I'd go for it even though it's just the two of you. Thanks for the comment.

  36. John this dip looks fantastic. I have never had artichoke dip, though I am now ready to buy a jar of artichoke to give it a try. Quick question though, are the artichokes in an oil marinade, which has vinegar in it?

    1. Hi Lizzie, the artichokes are in an oil marinade that usually contains vinegar (not always vinegar depending on brand, but often). I always rinse the artichokes so it doesn't really matter what they're packed in. Most stores only stock one or two brands of artichoke hearts, so just get whatever they have - it'll work. Thanks for the comment.

  37. I am making this for tomorrow as we speak :) My husband does not like artichokes (he thinks) but I guarantee you he'll eat this.

    I'm Shelby from Egullet by the way.

    1. Hi Shelby, your husband is in for a treat! ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  38. I may have just had two bites to make sure it's ok lol......YUM!

    1. Hi Shelby, only two bites? ;-) Glad you like it.

  39. This would be also nice with freshly toasted pita crisps

    1. Hi Raymund, you're right - freshly toasted pita chips would be terrific with this! Great idea. Thanks for the comment.

  40. Replies
    1. Hi Asmita, it is, it is! Thanks for the comment.

  41. Although I had a lot of chips at the superbowl party, I still want to eat this one - artichoke!!! My favorite! Sounds delicious. Lots of BBQ party later on this year, and I am saving this for another get together. It's way too dangerous to make for my family as my kids are not into dips yet. :D

    1. Hi Nami, this might actually be a better spring/summer dip than it is a winter one - it has a fairly light flavor that I think handles hot weather quite well. And this dip is dangerous - Mrs K R and I essentially had a bunch of this for dinner when I made it to photograph! Thanks for the comment.

  42. I love that it is a no-bake treat, and sounds so delicious! I bet it would be delicious with a bit of Greek yogurt too;-) Looks fabulous, Take care, Terra

    1. Hi Terra, Greek yogurt is a terrific idea! Definitely something I should try. Thanks for the comment.


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