
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Chocolate Fudge with Nutella

Chocolate Fudge with Nutella

Marshmallows Add Oomph to this Easy Microwave Fudge

Making fudge in the microwave takes most of the work — and worry — out of the process. 

Heating the ingredients until they reach the elusive “soft-ball” stage?  A thing of the past.  Cooling, then stirring (continuously!) until the fudge sets up properly?  No longer an issue.  Great taste that has you coming back for seconds and thirds?  Very definitely!  

Microwave fudge delivers superb flavor and texture in less time (and with much less fuss) than traditional stove-top recipes, as discussed in our post on Microwave Peanut Butter Fudge.

But hey, what about chocolate? Isn’t that what most people think when you say “fudge”?

Well, this recipe has you covered. It combines chocolate with Nutella, the European hazelnut spread that has taken the US (and most of the world) by storm. And it adds some mini marshmallows for interest.

Make this fudge and share it, and you may have a new BFFL (or several).

Chocolate Fudge with Nutella

Recipe:  Chocolate Fudge with Nutella

As was the case with our Microwave Peanut Butter Fudge, this isn’t a traditional recipe. Making fudge the old-fashioned way requires you to combine sugar, butter, milk, and usually additional ingredients.  You heat the sugar mixture on top of the stove, and then mix in the butter by hand. The microwave greatly streamlines this process. Rather than rehash the hows and whys of the microwave method, we’ll just direct you to our post on peanut butter fudge.

Most of us have a weakness for chocolate. And fudge is one of the dishes that best showcase its deep, luscious flavor (the other, IMO, is Chocolate Brownies).

Mrs. Kitchen Riffs is the dessert maven in our house, and this recipe is hers.  She adapted it from several recipes she discovered online.  (For the record, there are dozens of microwave chocolate fudge recipes on the Internet.  And Mrs K R seems determined to try — and tweak — them all.)

This recipe takes about 10 minutes or so of active time.  Then you need to cool the fudge in the refrigerator (so it can solidify) before you cut it.  Figure on about two hours for that (you can speed things up a bit by putting it in the freezer for a few minutes; see Notes).

Yield depends on how large you cut the pieces, but figure about five dozen 1-inch pieces.  Leftovers keep in an airtight container for a week or so (store at room temperature).  As if you’ll have any leftovers.

  • 12 ounces semisweet chocolate chips
  • 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • ~ 10 ounces Nutella
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional; we didn’t use them in today’s batch of fudge, but often include them)
  • 1 cup mini-marshmallows (optional)
  1. Butter an 8 by 8-inch pan and line it with parchment paper.  Butter the parchment paper. 
  2. Combine the chocolate chips and sweetened condensed milk in a large microwave-safe bowl (a 2-quart Pyrex container with lid is perfect).  Cover with plastic wrap if you don’t have a lid for your container and you’re worried about “explosions” (optional, but not a bad thing to do).  Microwave for 2 minutes on high.
  3. Stir, and then microwave on high for another minute or two, until the mixture is fully melted (microwave times vary).  Caution:  Mixture will be very hot when you remove it from the microwave.
  4. Add the vanilla to the melted mixture and stir in.  Then add the Nutella and stir to combine, using a wooden spoon or spatula.  Heat in the microwave for a few seconds as the mixture becomes too stiff to stir. 
  5. Add the chopped walnuts (if using), and stir to combine.
  6. Allow mixture to cool to near room temperature before mixing in marshmallows (if using).  If you don’t allow the mixture to cool, the marshmallows usually melt into the hot fudge and disappear — still tasty, but you don’t get the “chunky” effect.
  7. Spread the mixture into the prepared pan.  Cover the surface of the fudge with additional parchment paper.  Refrigerate until chilled and firm (you can cut it after an hour, although it will be gooey; chilling about 2 hours is better). 
  8. Turn chilled fudge onto a cutting board and cut into pieces of about 1-inch or so each.

Chocolate Fudge with Nutella

  • There’s no added sugar in this recipe.  Between the chocolate chips, condensed milk, Nutella, and marshmallows, there is already plenty of sweetness.
  • Nutella is a hazelnut-and-chocolate spread that was introduced in 1963 by the Italian company Ferrero. In many countries, it’s marketed as “hazelnut cream” because it doesn’t contain sufficient cocoa to be labeled “chocolate” cream. 
  • The exact quantity of Nutella isn’t critical in this recipe.  We’ve used amounts ranging from 8 to 13 ounces, always with good results.
  • Condensed milk was first developed in France in 1820, but was subsequently “reinvented” in the US by Gail Borden, Jr. in 1853.  Borden produced one of the first commercial brands of condensed milk in the US.
  • The Borden company underwent a leveraged buyout in the 1990s and the company was eventually dissolved.  Today Eagle brand is probably the most commonly found condensed milk in the US, but all brands are more or less the same.
  • You should use high quality (pure) vanilla extract in this recipe.  Its flavor is so much better than the imitation kind.
  • Pure vanilla extract is made by soaking vanilla beans in a mixture of water and alcohol for several months.  BTW, the FDA requires that pure vanilla extract contain at least 35% alcohol.  If the label doesn’t say “pure,” that means it’s made from synthetic vanilla.  The artificial kind is usually derived from the sapwood of several species of conifers — or from coal extracts!  How appetizing (not).
  • The flavor of some imitation vanillas can be nasty.  You don’t have to spend a fortune on pure vanilla extract, but getting decent quality does mean spending a bit more for something that’s not loaded with sugar or imitation flavoring.  Do yourself a favor and get the real stuff.
  • If you’re really in a hurry to eat this and can’t wait for the fudge to chill in the refrigerator, you can stick it in the freezer for half an hour or so (ask us how we know this).  Results are OK, but the texture is better if you refrigerate.
Chocolate Fudge with Nutella

Turning the Chocolate Up to 11

“Interesting,” I said as I sampled my second piece of fudge.  “This has a very chocolate-forward flavor.  I do notice some hazelnut, but it’s an undertone.”

“Yeah, that surprised me,” said Mrs. Kitchen Riffs. “I thought the Nutella would dominate more.  Instead, it just deepens and enriches the flavor of the chocolate.”

“Which is OK by me,” I said.  “I like Nutella, but it’s way too sweet to use as a spread.  In a dessert like this, though?  Perfect!”

“I’ll take peanut butter over Nutella in a sandwich too,” Mrs K R agreed.  “And peanut butter makes a mean fudge or cookie. But in this recipe, the Nutella definitely works.”

“It sure does!” I said enthusiastically, reaching for my third piece of fudge.

Looks like I picked a bad day to start watching portion sizes.

You may also enjoy reading about:
Microwave Peanut Butter Fudge
Peanut Butter Cookies
Ultimate Chocolate Brownie
Anise Drop Cookies
Pfeffernusse Cookies
Almond Sugar Cookies
Crunch Drop Cookies
Coconut Kisses
Chocolate Drop Cookies
Cherry Winks Cookies
Chocolate Pepper Cookies
Easy Peach Cobbler
Bread Pudding
Root Beer Floats
Homemade Meringues


  1. Hi, this look like to die for kind of chocolate fudge. Look awesome and very irresistible. YUM!

    Have a great weekend.

    1. Hi Amelia - it's really terrific! The downside is you want just one more piece, followed by 3 after that. ;-) Of course maybe that's an upside, too! Thanks for the comment.

  2. Oh my. Chocolate + nutella = a fudge I'm dying to try! Love this!

    1. Hi Kimberly, this is good stuff. Too good, alas - hard to stop eating! Thanks for the comment.

  3. I never thought of making fudge in the microwave, it DOES sound so much easier! MY mom always slaves over her fudge for hours which has probably been the reason I have never made it on my own! Now I have a new recipe to try :) It looks beautiful. Thanks!

    1. Hi Kristi, the microwave handles chocolate so well! And fudge is such a natural to make in the microwave - it's easy! Thanks for the comment.

  4. Hi John, I guess my next step would be buying a microwave! really, those fudges are so beautiful and easy to make indeed! Or, I just drive up to St.Louse when the weather is nicer... :)
    We had a Nutella conversation yesterday with my teenager and my parents. As I was chatting with my parents via Skype, teenager made himself a cup of tea and spread some nutella on a slice of bread. When my mother asked what he was eating, I told them it was Nutells. Then teenager said: "they don't know what Nutella is". "yes, they do", I said. "You ate it all the time you were there". He shook his head, and said: "no, it wasn't nutella, it was hazelnut spread". "???, isn't it the same?", I asked him. And my parents added to him: "you always have nutella when you visit us". Then after a short pause teenager said: "well, this nutella is sweeter that the one they sell there (in Europe)". Now I am curious... :)

    1. Hi Marina, you could drive to St. Louis! Or it might be more convenient to get a microwave, although then you'd need to figure out where to put it. I wonder if the Nutella in Europe is less sweet than what we have? I find it too sweet for a spread, but it's really good as an ingredient in something like this. Thanks for the comment.

  5. Love this easy fudge recipe! Everyone needs a great chocolate recipe like this in their repertoire!

    1. Hi Kristy, isn't it nice? Quick & delish - what could be better? ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  6. What beautiful looking fudge. It almost looks like rocky road with the marshmallows. I love nutella too but I try to have it in moderation - gotta watch those BSL levels! I will try this microwave version of a fudge - it does seem to have greatly simplified the fudge-making process xx

    1. Hi Charlie, this is really headed in the rocky road direction. And Nutella in moderation is really a good idea (everything is, but that stuff is so good its dangerous!). Thanks for the comment.

  7. What a great treat! Ever since I tasted fudge for the first time back in September (I know, right????), I've become a fudge enthusiast. This recipe really caught my eye. And sweet tooth. ;)

    1. Hi Alex, you'll like this recipe - it's really, really good. ;-) Too good, alas - so easy to eat too much. Thanks for the comment.

  8. We shall all thank you when we gain three inches around our hips. LOL OMG, Nutella alone is divine. But in fudge with mini marshmallows, too? I'm a goner.

    1. Hi Carolyn, yeah, this recipe is a tad dangerous! A lot of good flavors going on in this. I'm definitely a goner too! Thanks for the comment.

  9. Oh my gosh, my kids will go bonkers for this fudge! Well, to be honest, so will my husband and me. What a tempting treat! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Hannah, Mrs K R and I are pretty bonkers about this, too! ;-) And it is tempting - way too tempting, alas. Thanks for the comment.

  10. Oh, you are killing me! But with all that sugar and nuts, I would be in agony. It doesn't stop me appreciating how delightful it would be to taste though.

    1. Hi Suzanne, sorry about that. ;-) And you're right that for your diet this fudge is probably is no-go — too much of stuff you don't eat. But it's fun to look at! Thanks for the comment.

  11. love this kind of chocolate fudge..looks perfect and gorgeous..

    1. Hi gayathri, it's nice, isn't it? BTW, no need to spam your URL in your posts - we can all click on your name to get to your website. And I do appreciate your comment.

  12. Those pieces glistening look SO good! I love Nutella and have since I was little, now my children enjoy it. These are gorgeous and i bet they would taste good with some roasted hazelnuts added. I've made fudge once...time to do it again i think.


    1. Hi Nazneen, adding roasted hazelnuts is a wonderful idea! We'll probably try it at some point. And I do believe your children would enjoy this. ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  13. Fast delicious and wonderful fudge :)

    Choc Chip Uru

    1. Hi Uru, I really think this recipe has your name written all over it! Thanks for commenting.

  14. Okay this is fabulous. Beyond fabulous. I may never cook fudge on the stove again.

    1. Hi Kim, this is fabulous. And I admire your skill - cooking fudge on the stove has its challenges. The microwave is so much easier. Saves time that we can spend eating. Win win. ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  15. You two are going to make me make some fudge aren't you? :) Between this and the peanut butter fudge, I'm developing a very strong fudge craving! I do have to admit that I would omit the marshmallows in this fudge. Neither Bobby nor I are big on marshmallows, but I guess I could add more nuts - right? Thanks for the temptation and the inspiration!

    1. Hi MJ, you can totally omit the marshmallows — although they do add both visual and textural interest. But Mrs K R often omits them. And yes, we'd be delighted to make you some fudge. ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  16. Nice post specially I am in the hunt for Nutella recipes, this will be a keeper

    1. Hi Raymund, isn't Nutella such a great ingredient? It works really well in this. Thanks for the comment.

  17. Now that is what I call a perfect recipe for fudge... Only problem being that we do not have a microwave (sometimes you make wrong decisions when deciding on a new kitchen layout...) at present... I've been wanting to make fudge for a long time but keep thinking it is too hard but this would have been just perfect!

    1. Hi Simone, I can see doing without a microwave - we don't actually use ours all that much (and when we do it's often to reheat stuff). But when it comes to chocolate, it's really a great tool - it's absolutely the best way to melt chocolate, for example. Thanks for the comment.

  18. This fudge looks amazing and quite addictive! A divine treat.



    1. Hi Rosa, it's too addictive, alas - way, way too easy to overeat. Thanks for the comment.

  19. Thanks, John, for sharing another great recipe. I love anything chocolate and this one, being microwaveable, is so easy to prepare. I just have so little discipline when it comes to fudge. I make it for gifts so that I've none around here to munch. Unbeknownst to the giftees, I've become pretty adept at pinching a segment without leaving so much as a crumb behind as evidence. Granted, this is hardly a talent on the same plane as those of DaVinci but he couldn't eat his paintings.

    1. Hi John, it'd be great to be DaVinci, but not being able to eat the paintings would be a bummer. Better to stick to food. ;-) We actually give away a lot of the sweets we make. But we always sample. ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  20. Chocolate, marshmallows and nutella together? That's just heaven, seriously any chocoholics or with a prolific sweet tooth dream. It would even get me to try microwave which I normally avoid like plague...

    1. Hi Gourmantine, the microwave is actually a wonderful tool in this recipe. But yes, this is seriously sweet stuff. Not over the top, but awfully close. Thanks for the comment.

  21. My family adores fudge...I must try your microwave version!!!

    1. Hi Liz, making fudge in the microwave is so easy! And the results are so good. ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  22. Love this and making it in the microwave sounds like a dream!

    1. Hi Chris, the microwave works so well in this recipe! Easy peasy. ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  23. Replies
    1. Hi Carrie, thanks for the kind words, and for commenting.

  24. Almost didn't have time to comment. To busy running to the store to buy Nutella. I'm sure this will be fabulous! Thank you-but my hips sure won't!

    1. Hi Abbe, it is fabulous! Sorry about the calories, though. But the flavor of the fudge is worth it. Thanks for the comment.

  25. This looks like a simple yet delicious fudge recipe and basically you had me at NUTELLA, my absolute obsession.

    1. Hi Natalie, since you're obsessed with Nutella, this definitely is for you! Thanks for the comment.

  26. OMG nutella is the most amazing thing in the universe. I love this fudge.

    1. Hi Dara, isn't Nutella good? You'll definitely enjoy this fudge! Thanks for the comment.

  27. I do have a weakness for fudge. This sounds nice and easy with yummy results!

    1. Hi Dawn, I share your weakness! It's so good, though, it's hard to resist, isn't it? Thanks for your comment.

  28. omg! did you read my mind?! I literally just looked you up to see if you had made a chocolate fudge...this is too good to be true! Thanks! :)

    1. Hi Sally, glad we were on the same wavelength! ;-) Hope you enjoy. Thanks for the comment.

  29. Oh John, how am I ever going to get into that swim suit if you keep posting things like this? I have to look away now before my will power collapses.

    1. Hi Bam, there's a reason why we only post sweet stuff every few weeks! Except in December, of course. You really can't eat just one piece. Knowing that, Mrs K R always cuts the pieces much smaller than those in the photos - no more than an inch square. Thanks for the comment.

  30. I love your photos We can definitely enjoy your chocolate fudge as a treat at any time of the day.

    1. Hi Le blog de Pouce, the fudge is delish! Thanks for your kind words, and your comment.

  31. Can you believe I have yet to try Nutella? I see it on the shelves at the store all the time and think I should buy some just for the fun of it. Now you've given me a good reason to pick some up. Fudge is one of the few candies that I really love.

    1. Hi Kristi, we only tried Nutella for the first time a few months ago! As I said, as a spread I don't really see the attraction, but as an ingredient it's truly good stuff. Thanks for the comment.

  32. This Fudge looks like a glorious treat!
    Love the combination with the Nutella Hazelnut flavor and the Marshmallows which add color and texture.

    1. Hi Daniela, glorious is exactly the word to describe this! And I agree the marshmallows do add a lot of visual interest, in addition to tasting good! Thanks for the comment.

  33. Oh goodness I've had a love affair with fudge since I was a little girl and tried it at Famous Barr. I loved their fudge. This sounds so quick an easy, who could resist. I can't wait to try it when I need a quick fix.

    1. Hi Vicki, fudge is pretty tasty stuff, I have to admit - I can't resist it either! And this is definitely quick to make. Thanks for the comment.

  34. oh yes, this would make me so many fast friends! Thank you for sharing it with me. I wish I had a batch in front of me now. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Hi Monet, this definitely is a friend maker! Thanks for the comment.

  35. Loving the fudge recipes!! I love Mrs. Riff saying the Nutella enriches the taste of the chocolate. I need to try this recipe! Looks and sounds incredible!!

    1. Hi Judy, Nutella really does add nice depth of flavor in this recipe. And yes, it is incredible. ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  36. Hi John,
    I definitely have a weakness for chocolate. If I were to make these fudges at home they would be finished by the end of the day, since my boys love chocolate too. I grew up with Nutella and love the taste of it. Great post.

    1. Hi Frank, we had to really watch it when we made this - we could have easily inhaled the whole batch between the two of us. Fortunately we were able to give a good bit of it away! Thanks for the comment.

  37. Although I didn't grow up with Nutella like Frank did, I love anything and everything with Nutella. can't wait to make this on my own. I am also a big nut person so I have no doubt I'll like this treat. Thank you.

    1. Hi Yi, I didn't grow up with Nutella either, and actually never even tasted it until this year! It's a wonderful ingredient - I think you'll like this fudge. Thanks for the comment.

  38. That's one perfect yummy fudge. I love the combination of Nutella and marshmallows in it.

    1. Hi Shibi, it really is yummy! And the Nutella and marshmallows really add plenty of extra flavor. Thanks for the comment.

  39. At the end of the long tiring day we all want something sweet...and this chocolate fudge with nutella sounds like a great choice, especially it's easy to make! These have irresistible look. :)

    1. Hi Nami, these definitely are plenty sweet! And really satisfying. Thanks for your comment.

  40. You are leading to my delinquency by posting your yummy fudge recipe.

    1. Hi Karen, I know, I know - it's evil, isn't it? ;-) Worth it, though. Thanks for the comment.

  41. Aha--I was waiting for this! Looking scrumptious--definitely not a perk while I'm whiling away a beautiful day hungry in the library. Delish though!

    1. Hi Ala, you should be busy studying in the library, not look at food. ;-) Thanks for the kind words, and comment.

  42. Oh wow! This looks amazing - can't wait until I'm back to being a microwave owner so I can make this!

    1. Hi Katherine, the microwave is incredibly useful for a few things, and making fudge (or many candies) is one of them! You'll like this - it's truly good. Thanks for the comment.

  43. This looks so fabulously decadent and I love how easy it is in the microwave! Thanks for another great recipe!

    1. Hi Christine, this actually is pretty decadent. Not that there's anything wrong with that! Thanks for the comment.

  44. Wow! That looks awesome! I love that it's done in the microwave too!

    1. Hi Ali, it is - or was! - awesome! All gone now, alas. ;-( But it's easy to make more! ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  45. Decided to make this, bought the ingredients, and started setting up only to realize that in Canada condensed milk is sold in smaller volumes than in the US, in a 300ml can (roughly 10 oz.). Now I have to dust off my math skills to convert quantities. Hope this works out because the pictures look delicious.

    1. Hi Laura, don't you hate that?! The conversion shouldn't be too difficult, although I'm sorry about that. Food companies keep shrinking the size of containers anyway, so we have to keep adjusting recipes to adapt - one of my pet peeves! Thanks for the comment.

    2. It worked and it's great :)

    3. Hi Laura, thanks so much for the update! Isn't this stuff wonderful. ;-) I'm glad you like it.

  46. Nutella is my favorite thing right now - this fudge sounds amazing!

    1. Hi Beth, Nutella is pretty good on its own, but in this fudge it's amazing! Thanks for the comment.


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