
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Egg Salad

Egg Salad

Hard-Boiled Eggs Never Tasted Better

What to do with extra hard-boiled eggs?  That’s a question many of us are asking ourselves this time of the year, when we have loads of leftover dyed eggs from Easter.  Luckily, I have the perfect recipe:  Egg Salad.  Especially in a sandwich.

If you haven’t made Egg Salad for a while, this week might be the perfect time.  What do you have to lose?  Nothing — except all those leftover Easter eggs!

Egg Salad

Recipe:  Egg Salad

Egg Salad is simple to make:  Chop up hard-boiled eggs, combine with some sort of binding agent (mayonnaise is traditional and IMO the best), and maybe add some extra flavoring.  And there you go! 

You can adjust ingredient quantities to your own taste — and, of course, to accommodate the number of hard-boiled eggs you have on hand.

This recipe assumes you already have hard-boiled eggs available.  If you want to boil them specifically for this salad, you can find full instructions in my post on Hard-Boiled Eggs. That recipe, BTW, is one of the all-time most popular posts on Kitchen Riffs! Who would have thought? My thanks to all those nice people on Pinterest who pinned it.

This recipe calls for 6 hard-boiled eggs, which will make 3 to 4 overstuffed sandwiches.

Preparation time is no more than 15 minutes, and you can use the Egg Salad right away. But I do recommend chilling it for at least an hour — it will taste better.

Leftover egg salad will keep in an airtight container in the refrigerator for several days.

  • 6 hard-boiled eggs 
  • ~½ red bell pepper (or to taste; optional)
  • ¼ to ½ cup mayonnaise (or to taste)
  • ~½ cup sweet relish (or to taste; optional)
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper (to taste)
  • ~½ teaspoon cayenne pepper (or to taste; optional)
  1. Peel the hard-boiled eggs (you can find tips for doing so in my post on hard-boiled eggs).  Cut the eggs into dice of ¼ inch or so.  The easiest way is to use a wire egg slicer.  Slice the eggs through the equator, turn 90 degrees, and slice again lengthwise.  Place in a medium-sized mixing bowl.
  2. If using the optional red bell pepper (and I do recommend it — it adds both flavor and color), clean and cut about half a pepper into dice of ¼ inch or so.  Add to the diced eggs.
  3. Add about half as much mayonnaise as you think you’ll need, along with sweet relish (if using), salt, freshly ground black pepper, and cayenne pepper (if using).  Mix together. 
  4. Add more mayo if needed.  Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary.  Serve immediately or (preferably) refrigerate for an hour or so in an airtight container.
Egg Salad

  • If you want a zippier Egg Salad, you might try adding a teaspoon or two of Dijon mustard to the mix.
  • Or you might want to add some Tabasco or curry powder — in which case you’re taking your salad into the direction of deviled eggs.
  • Paprika also is a nice addition.  Basically any spice (or herb) that you think would be good, probably will be.
  • Many people like a bit of celery and/or onion in their Egg Salad.  If that’s you, add maybe half a cup or so of either or both (to taste).
  • Rather than onion, I sometimes include scallion in my Egg Salad, including some of the green part.
  • Speaking of green, I sometimes add 2 or 3 tablespoons of minced fresh parsley.  It adds nice color and excellent flavor.
  • Green bell pepper also makes a nice addition; I’d substitute for the red bell pepper.
  • Some people like to add a bit of vinegar to Egg Salad — maybe 2 teaspoons or so.  Cider vinegar is especially good.  If you do this, you may decide you don’t want the sweet relish.
  • If you’re omitting the sweet relish, consider capers (several tablespoons) — they add a nice briny tang to the dish.
  • Everyone knows how to make an egg salad sandwich, right?  Just spoon some Egg Salad onto a piece of bread, spread evenly, then slap another piece of bread on top.
  • And that works!  But you might also consider adding lettuce, and maybe a tomato slice or two (assuming you can find decent fresh tomatoes).
  • I think heartier bread like whole wheat or multigrain works best for an egg salad sandwich.  Or a great homemade white bread with a sturdy crust works too — like the one featured in my post on No-Knead Bread.
Egg Salad

Egg Salad Isn’t Just for Easter Leftovers

“Why do we have Egg Salad only once a year?” Mrs. Kitchen Riffs asked between bites of her sandwich.  “Around Easter?”

“Well, that’s when we have an overload of hard-boiled eggs,” I replied.  “But of course that’s not really what you’re asking.”

“No, I guess I’m suggesting that we should make this more often,” Mrs K R said. 

“Fine with me — we both like it, and it’s easy.”  I chewed thoughtfully.  “You know, this new bread recipe you’re developing is really good.”

“It is,” Mrs K R agreed.  “My recipe for homemade No-Knead Bread is pretty decent. But I found another method that’s even better. And we both like whole wheat bread, so I’m developing this whole wheat version.”

“We should put it up on the blog,” I said as I finished my sandwich.

“It’s not ready for that yet,” Mrs K R replied. “We need to test it a bit more — on egg salad sandwiches!”

Looks like we’ll be keeping the Easter Bunny hopping for a while longer this year.

You may also enjoy reading about:
Hard-Boiled Eggs
Poached Eggs
Hollandaise Sauce
Fried Eggs
Summer Pasta Salad
Tuna Pasta Salad
BLT Salad
White Bean and Tuna Salad
Creamy Cole Slaw
Garlic Coleslaw


  1. This is a great post. I've long been a lover of egg salad and this gave me a few ideas. Have a great Easter!

    1. Hi Debra, isn't egg salad good? I love how you can change some ingredients and have a different tasting dish. Thanks for the comment, and Happy Easter!

  2. I've long used Easter hard boiled eggs to make our breakfast; adding chopped eggs to a white sauce with a bit of dry mustard that topped toast points...we LOVE them. But...always a but.

    Not this year. Packing, storing, packing some more...Easter is going to escape me this year and I have no eggs. Which is sad because I'm seriously craving this sandwich; I just love a great egg salad sandwich and this surely fits the bill!

    1. Hi Barb, moving is the pits! A few years ago we ending up moving 3 times within a 2 year period (including one long distance move). Not fun! But it was worth it. Anyway, hope your move is going well. Thanks for commenting, and Happy Easter.

  3. Goodness those sandwiches look soooo good! Thanks for commenting on my post today! I took an Easter basket of goodies as a hostess gift to some lovely friends of ours yesterday, they had invited us over for Easter Saturday brunch. The brunch was so good! I included a box of your microwave Peanut Butter Fudge - I know not exactly what the Easter Bunny traditionally brings, but I've been wanting a good excuse to try the recipe! Heavens, that fudge is delicious! I'm going to post my photos later this week (nowhere near as mouthwatering as yours!) and I'll link it to your fudgie post! Thanks again for all your fab recipes, wishing you and Mrs Kitchen Riffs a very Happy Easter!

    1. Hi Sally, they were terrific! Glad you enjoyed the fudge - isn't that a terrific recipe? Mrs K R does good stuff! I look forward to seeing your photos (and thanks for linking). Thanks for your kind words, and Happy Easter!

  4. That egg sandwich looks too good to eat! I actually did make egg sandwiches over Easter because yes, so many eggs. I'd made an aioli for a Jamie Oliver chicken Caesar salad we had the night before and there was some aioli leftover so I added that to the eggs. Like your boiled eggs, it always amazes me what becomes popular on Pinterest xx

    1. Hi Charlie, the sandwich was delish! I like the idea of aioli - must have been really tasty. Thanks for the comment.

  5. My hubby is the egg salad lover in this family. I think adding dijon would be a wonderful addition. Beautifully styled sandwiches!

    1. Hi Liz, the Dijon really adds some nice zip! Your husband will love it. ;-) Thanks for the kind words, and comment.

  6. That sandwich looks like the king of sandwiches my friend, delicious job :)

    Happy Easter!
    Choc Chip Uru

    1. Hi Uru, it was a really good sandwich! Thanks for commenting, and Happy Easter!

  7. I don't think egg salad gets enough play - it's absolutely delicious and something I love to eat anytime. I always wonder how it got such a bad rap. Great base recipe, I like all of the modifications/personalizations you suggested.

    1. Hi Food Jaunts, one doesn't hear quite as much about egg salad as one used to. I love the stuff, and really don't make it enough. I'll bet part of its bad rap came about when people began fearing eggs for health reasons. But now that it's been shown that they don't really increase cholesterol, perhaps people will start eating them again. Thanks for the comment.

  8. What a brilliant way to make a salad and take it to the UPPER level. And after I follow your lead, I already know what I want to do next: use Portuguese piri-piri sauce in it!

    1. Hi Alex, piri-piri sauce will, I'm sure, be delish! Sounds pretty good, an any rate. Thanks for the comment.

  9. Hi John, after I received an e-mail about this post I couldn't stop thinking about a sandwich with some egg salad. Yes, why do we never have an egg salad? - I questioned myself. Inspired by this post, and with help of my teenager (he needs to do more than just play video games), I made this fantastic egg salad sandwiches for our dinner (I made it with dill and mustard). You can see photo of it on my Facebook page (I tagged you). And that's all we had (we come from family, that eats light dinner and good breakfast). Thank you! Happy Easter to you and Mrs. Kitchen Riffs! :)

    1. Hi Marina, I did see the photo on your Facebook page - looks wonderful! The inclusion of dill sounds great. Of course, I'd expect you to include dill! ;-) Thanks for commenting, and Happy Easter!

  10. Indeed, a perfect sammy for after Easter. What better use to put all those hard-boiled eggs than to a classic like this? ;)

    1. Hi Carolyn, I love all the old classics! So satisfying. ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  11. I'm also an egg salad lover. I love all of the suggestions you posted. My favourite is to add a little dried mustard to the mayo and egg (I also do this with my deviled eggs). I currently have 6 beautifully decorated eggs in my fridge so ... guess what's for lunch tomorrow! ;) Happy Easter!

    1. Hi Laurie, dried mustard is a good idea - I do that sometimes with deviled eggs too. Glad I planned tomorrow's lunch for you! Thanks for the comment, and Happy Easter!

  12. Wow, stunning photos John. I am in awe. Hope you and Mrs Kitchen Riffs had a lovely Easter weekend.

    1. Hi Kim, gosh, thanks for those kind words. I love photographing things like this which aren't inherently all that glamorous, and figuring out how to show them in their best light. Thanks for commenting, and Happy Easter!

  13. Isn't it funny how everyone does the littlest things just a little bit different? Like I would never ever put pickle relish in my egg salad. And you don't put onions but I do. And I'll bet yours is great;well I know it is because that picture makes me want to devour it. And I eat egg salad in the summer when it's hot out and I don't want anything heavy. But right now I'd be happy to add some crisp bacon to that sandwich and call it dinner...

    1. Hi Abbe, is is funny, isn't it? The pickle relish is pretty good. I used to use onion, and still sometimes do, but decided I like more of a straight egg taste. The bacon is an excellent idea! Thanks for the comment.

  14. Now that's what I call a sandwich! I agree with Kim. You perfectly photographed this mile-high sandwich.

    1. Hi Kristi, it was a wonderful sandwich! Thanks for your kind words, and comment.

  15. Your egg salad sandwich is looking great. I really haven't make one for a long long time! And as you said, it's about time. What a perfect way to use up those hard boiled eggs. :)

    1. Hi Amy, it's definitely time! Great sandwich, isn't it? Thanks for the comment.

  16. Your opening photo, John, is a masterpiece for any egg salad lover, like myself. Egg salad has become a guilty pleasure. You're just not supposed to eat eggs, especially not with mayo, too. You know what? I don't care! I'm not going to eat it daily but I'm certainly not going to wait until Easter each year to do so, either. I think I've tried all of your versions and though I'm not necessarily a fan of green peppers, I do use red. This was a delicious and timely post, John. I'm sure more than a few will find your suggestions useful this week.

    1. Hi John, I must admit I had a lot of fun taking that opening photo, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Eggs are good stuff - almost all the "science" about how they're not good for us turned out to be bogus (it was just speculation; when people got around to doing actual experiments - real science - they found out eggs are just fine, although you do want to be moderate with them). Anyway, thanks for your kind words, and comment.

  17. I love the variations of egg salad recipes out there. I don't like onions in mine but love adding gobs of pickle relish. Drooling just thinking about it :D

    1. Hi Kiran, isn't pickle relish really nice in this? Tangy and sweet - goes so well with the eggs. Thanks for the comment.

  18. This is such an oldie but goodie recipe. It reminds me of living at home and warm memories of post Easter week. However, my mom's egg salad never, ever looked this good.

    1. Hi Bam, isn't it a great recipe? I really do need to make this more often. Thanks for the comment.

  19. I know egg salad and I make it from time to time. I love it in a sandwich or just like it. And you're right, it will be perfect for all the eggs left overs from Easter :)

    1. Hi Marta, this would be pretty good for breakfast! In fact I've eaten leftover egg salad for breakfast. ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  20. A scrumptious sandwich and tasty salad! What lovely flavors.



    1. Hi Rosa, it really is delish! Fun to make, great to eat - what could be better?! Thanks for the comment.

  21. Our kids love hard boiled eggs, so it is rare we would have any leftover. However, this sandwich sounds so delish, I may have to boil some up and hide them, just for this! :)

    1. Hi Judy, it really is worth boiling some eggs just for this! I always forget how great egg salad is until we make it for Easter. And it's not as if we don't normally have hard-boiled eggs on hand - there's usually several in the refrigerator at all times. I definitely need to make this much more. ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  22. I am not a big egg salad lover, but your photo hooked me. FAB job on the picture. Then I read the recipe. I will make this for my husband and myself. Not my Mother's egg salad. Great job.

    1. Hi Shayla, glad this recipe looks appealing to you! Thanks for the kind words, and the comment.

  23. Hi John, that top photo is fantastic, a true standout!

    1. Hi Gourmantine, thanks for the kind words, and for taking time to comment.

  24. Beeeeuuuuutiful photos! I have a favorite egg salad recipe that I have been making for years but I think I'm going to step out of my box and give this a try. I love the addition of the red bell pepper.

    1. Hi Karen, the addition of red pepper is really nice. Thanks for the kind words, and comment.

  25. What a great post and a beautiful egg salad sandwich. Is that homemade bread?

    1. Hi Alyssa, that is indeed homemade bread - Mrs K R's current go-to recipe. We're making all of our bread these days - it really doesn't take that long. Thanks for the kind words, and comment.

  26. Those sandwiches look delicious. I love eggs prepared any way but hard boiled with homemade mayonnaise is a special favourite. Love the photos.

    1. Hi Suzanne, I'm with you - I'll take an egg any way I can get it. They're so good. Thanks for the kind words, and comment.

  27. Ahhhh this is our go to sandwich, easy to make and definitely yummy

    1. Hi Raymund, doesn't this make a wonderful sandwich? And I love that ylu can make some many variations of it. Thanks for the comment.

  28. So many people speak righteously about no mayo but I'll put my plebeian hand up and say egg salad without mayo isn't an egg salad sandwich. :) At least not the ones I grew up eating. Your photos make the humble sandwich fit for a king.

    1. Hi Maureen, mayo is good stuff! I can't imagine this sandwich without it. Well I can, but it's not a pretty sight! Thanks for the comment.

  29. Egg salad is one of my favorites. Especially during warmer months. Thank you for sharing this recipe with us...and these delicious photographs. I'm hungry now!

    1. Hi Monet, sorry about making your hungry! ;-) I'll take egg salad at any time of the year, but I agree it does appeal more from spring through fall. Thanks for the comment.

  30. I can't say I remember ever eating egg salad. For some reason as a child I avoided it and never had the opportunity to try it again. I just don't think it appealed to me. Oddly enough I could eat a dozen deviled eggs in no time at all especially my moms. She makes the best on earth, I'm convinced and certain her ingredients could kick any egg salad up a notch. She adds and now I do as well, Durkee's dressing, mustard and vinegar to the mix. OMG you've never tasted anything so divine!

    That said we tend to eat the whites around here for cholesterol reasons but I have to say if I made an egg salad sandwich I'd make it with all your ingredients. It looks delicious. Maybe had I seen your sandwich as a child I'd be eating them today.

    1. Hi Vicki, there's good news about eggs and cholesterol - there are several studies that have confirmed that eggs aren't the cholesterol boogey man that people had thought. You can definitely eat the yolks (although moderation is of course recommended). Actually food contributes no more than about 15% of your cholesterol count - the rest is produced by the body on its own. Anyway, back on subject! If you like deviled eggs, just make your normal deviled egg recipe, but chop the egg whites and yolks, mix everything together, and you basically have egg salad! Thanks for your comment.

  31. Hi John, EXCELLENT photography! Your double decked sandwich look awesome. I love this egg sandwich. Next time you can try add cook smash potato to this egg mayo, it taste great.

    Have a nice week ahead.

    1. Hi Amelia, the idea of adding potato is excellent! I've never done that, but will - I'll bet the flavor is incredible. Thanks for the kind words, and comment.

  32. Actually I haven't made egg salad in a very long time. My SIL brought me 2 dozen fresh eggs yesterday, so an egg salad sounds really good right now. Your recipe is perfect, simple, just a few ingredients and a little added spice. I've never added red bell pepper to an egg salad, but it sounds good and I like the bit of color that it adds. I think I will be making bread together afterall because now I have a craving for an egg salad sandwich. Thanks!

    1. Hi MJ, egg salad on homemade bread is wonderful! The red bell pepper does add some nice flavor, in addition to great color. Have fun! Thanks for the comment.

  33. I think, whenever I need an egg recipe, I must head over to Kitchen Riffs. Love all your egg recipes, including this mouth-watering egg salad. It is something that is making me drool at 11 pm here...

    1. Hi Purabi, I do like eggs, don't I? ;-) Thanks for your kind words, and comment.

  34. This recipe is a real life saver. We were drowning in left over Easter eggs until I visited Kitchen Riffs :)
    The recipe sounds great ( and I'm sure it tastes as good as it sounds) and the picture is superb!

    1. Hi Daniela, glad to help you! Egg salad is such good stuff I know you'll enjoy it. Thanks for the kind words, and comment.

  35. I am up to my ears in leftover hard-boiled eggs. Thanks for this amazing recipe!

    1. Hi Ashely, after you make this you'll no longer be up to your ears! ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  36. I wish I liked egg salad but I don't! This is a great recipe though to make for my sister who is egg salad obsessed haha!

    1. Hi Natalie, if you don't like egg salad, you don't! But your sister will adore you if you make this for her. ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  37. I love egg salad, but I don't eat enough. I love the red pepper that you have in your recipe, it would give it a nice crunch along with the great flavor of the pepper.

    1. Hi Dawn, we don't eat enough of it either! What's up with that? ;-) The red pepper does add a pleasant crunch. Plus it looks pretty. ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  38. Yum...I love egg salad, but yet have to try with red peppers...looks delicious John. The pictures look awesome!
    Enjoy your week :)

    1. Hi Juliana, the red peppers are a pleasant change of pace - not something one always sees. Thanks for the kind words, and comment.

  39. Come to think of it, it's been awhile since I had an egg salad sandwich. or just an egg salad. Oh my, where have I been? haha.
    Happy Easter John. It's been awhile since I visited your blog. But I'm back! hihi!

    1. Hi Malou, egg salad is good, isn't it? But it's one of those things I tend to forget about too. ;-) I hope you had a Happy Easter, too, and thanks for the comment.

  40. This is a simple post, but a great post. Egg salad is timeless. And I'll look forward to that bread recipe!

    1. Hi Beth, isn't it fun to write about everyday stuff like egg salad and try to make it interesting? Plus it's so much fun to take such an ordinary subject and try to photograph it differently. The bread recipe will probably be coming up sometime in the fall, but if you can't wait you can take the existing bread recipe (linked in the post) and substitute some whole wheat flour for the white (maybe 2 cups) and make it according to the directions. Also good, although not quite as good as the newer one Mrs K R is working on. Thanks for the comment.

  41. Egg salad is a classic. I love it, so simple but really just what you need sometimes! I blogged about it a while ago, and felt almost embarassed because it seemed so duh, but I think everyone acutally does appreciate a good egg sandwich! Another variation I like is mustard and miso instead of mayo :)

    1. Hi Shu Han, mustard and miso sounds like an outstanding variation! And I know what you mean about this being such an ordinary food - I almost didn't blog about it for that reason! - but it's so much fun doing this sort of recipe - everybody knows it, and most people like it. Thanks for the comment.

  42. What a great looking perfect egg salad sandwich! I love how it looks, and it is like a restaurant menu with the pretty picture (perfect with red, yellow, green - very appetizing!).

    1. Hi Nami, egg salad is so colorful - I think that's one of the things I like most about it (well, its flavor, too!). Thanks for the comment.

  43. All right - I'll try your - but I'm fussy. Really fussy. For me it's olives and dills - but you know I'm open. Maybe. Relish? I'll try!

    1. Hi Claudia, mine is definitely different from yours! The relish does add sweetness - which I think works well. I'll be interested to her your verdict. ;-) Thanks for the comment.

  44. This is a terrific post! I adore egg salad and it's been much too long since I've made it. I like your addition of relish - I haven't done that before. I'm off to boil eggs. I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Easter!

    1. Hi Hannah, the relish is definitely worth a try. We had a great Easter, and hope you did too! Thanks for the comment.

  45. I had a lot of egg salad sandwiches in college, but this looks a whole lot better than what I had at school. In fact, this looks gourmet! I bet it tastes a whole lot better too. I'm planning to pack more lunches in the future. This will be perfect. Thanks John! :)

    1. Hi Gomo, this stuff really works well in a packed lunch! Really flavorful and satisfying. Thanks for the comment.

  46. Replies
    1. Hi Sona, welcome! And thanks for those kind words, and comment.


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