
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Kitchen Riffs Burns Down the Kitchen!

That’s right, I’m Kim’s featured victim interviewee on her Burning Down the Kitchen series at Cravings of a Lunatic.

If you don’t know Kim’s blog, you’ll enjoy it. She has a zany sense of humor that comes through in each and every blog post. Kim is also the “Turtle Queen” of the internet. Seriously, she has a massive addiction to anything turtle, and has put up more turtle recipes than I can count. Of course, I only have 10 fingers and 10 toes — but I know it’s way more than that!

Anyway, I’m honored that Kim chose to interview me for this week’s Burning Down the Kitchen. You can check it out right here. And find out which of my recipes Kim decided to prepare, and whether I responded to the “dare” she challenged me with!


  1. Read it yesterday and it was a great interview. You are such a nice man, Mr. KR! and Mrs. KR sounds super, too. You seem like such a great team! Love the p------ and the dare but surprised it wasn't bigger! Very impressive interview. My congrats to you!

    1. Hi Abbe, you're so very kind - thank you so much!

  2. I laughed my butt off when I saw this in my inbox just now. I love the title, had me giggling like crazy. Thank you so much for your kind words John. I am beyond thrilled to have you be part of the series. It was a total pleasure getting to know you better.

    1. Hi Kim, I did enjoy writing that headline, I must admit. :-) Thanks so much for choosing me to interview — I loved the questions, and had a wonderful time. Glad you enjoyed it, too.

  3. Congrats my friend, I am off to check it out now :D


  4. What a great interview moment. I really loved the post and getting to know more about you and Mrs K R. ;) Congrats!

    1. Hi Alex, thanks so much! The interview was really fun to do. :-)

  5. I saw this yesterday and chuckled. I love learning more about you two.

    1. Hi Maureen, thanks! I think we're all curious about the bloggers we read on a regular basis — I know I am! :-)

  6. I can't wait to read Kim's interview! She asks the BEST questions :)

    1. Hi Liz, she really does ask great questions! It was a totally fun experience. :-)

  7. Great interview, John! I found a few things we have in common: admire Julia Child, love lemons, and have someone in our family, who worked in editing (I had a feeling either you or Mrs. KR is from that field. In my family it's me, but not in English though. I wonder if those skills could be somehow transferred from one language to another pain free?). And I think there is one more thing, that you didn't mentioned: dill... :)
    Thank you for the detailed answers on props, photography, books, oh, and cocktails. That part about Indian cuisine inspired me to try it again, and hopefully this time it won't taste like Italian (yes, why each time I try to make an Indian dish I end up with Italian?!).
    I am completely intrigued and would love to see how your blog will evolve. Good luck, John, and please, do keep blogging. I read every post here on Kitchen Riffs. And even if I am late to comment on post, or don't comment at all, I still read it. Best regards to Mrs. Kitchen Riffs!

    1. Hi Marina, what an incredibly nice comment! You're so kind to say all of those nice things - I really appreciate it. I'm kinda intrigued to see how my blog will evolve too! I always have ideas for changes; whether I'll do any of them, is another question. Thanks again for such a kind comment.

  8. Congratulations, John, on getting interviewed. I truly enjoyed learning more about the Riffs and how you approached blogging. The interview was so interesting for me because you were so forthright with your answers. Thank you for that.

    1. Hi John, thank you! I really enjoyed the interview. I always like to learn more about other bloggers, so I tried to be as informative as possible.

  9. I read your interview, John. Great job! I always admire your devotion to each of your recipe post with great details. You put quality into your recipes and I appreciate for your efforts. I know it is not an easy task to do that.
    Hope to read some of Mrs. KR's post soon.
    Best regards!

    1. Hi Holly, thanks for those kind words! I do try to write complete and accurate recipes, and try to anticipate the most common questions readers might have. I appreciate your comment.

  10. Great interview and so lovely to see a photo of you. You have a lot more bottles in your liquor cabinet than I do! xx

    1. Hi Charlie, we have a ridiculous number of bottles! Although some (many) of them are rarely used. But it's nice to have the ingredients on hand when one sees a drinks recipe one wants to try. ;-) Thanks for your comment.

  11. Congrats with the interview, I'm heading over to check it!

    1. Hi Gourmantine, thanks! I hope you enjoy it. ;-)

  12. Congrats John on this great interview.
    It’s so nice to meet the person behind Kitchen Riffs and of course, Mrs. KR.
    You are a great team, it must be such fun (and a challenge) to shape this blog together.
    Cool to know that you are a Julia Child admirer, she is such an inspiration.
    Looking forward to your next post :)

    1. Hi Daniela, thanks so much! It was so nice of Kim to ask me to do the interview, and it was loads of fun. As is writing the blog! It's become a really enjoyable hobby.

  13. Lovely interview. I do like seeing other takes on the blogging world. I use the blog as an outlet from just writing dialogue all day and finding my family. I love your methodical approach - the teamwork - and yes the cocktails. And the potatoes - yep - perfect.

    1. Hi Claudia, thank you! Blogging is lots of fun, isn't it? I really enjoy getting to know other bloggers, at least virtually, so I love the interviews that Kim does. Glad you enjoy my blog; I certainly enjoy yours!

  14. What a fun post and how delightful to "meet" you John! Love your blog and loved getting to know you a bit better! :)

    1. Hi Chris, wasn't that a fun interview? Kim asks great questions. And I agree it's always fun getting to know people better!

  15. Congratulations! I'm popping over now to read your interview. Hope you're having a great weekend!

    1. Hi Hannah, thank you! I hope you enjoy the interview, and that you also have a great weekend!

  16. Hi John, LOL... you posting title made me burst out laughing and I quickie scroll down to read what's the jazz...... :))

    I'd read your interview in Kim's blog, excellent interview. Congratulation. Glad to meet you in cyber world, you sure is a great chef and a good looking gentleman. Enjoyed dropping by your blog very much but I maybe late at times and catching up 3 to 4 posting at "one go".

    It sure take up a lots of time cooking/baking, posting, reply comments and return visit.... but me too I'm enjoying it even thou I'm working full time. Blogging & food photography is now part of my hobbies. For blogger taking pictures before eating is like a ritual. LOL

    Best regards.

    1. Hi Ameila, I had fun with that title, I must admit. ;-) Glad you enjoyed the interview. I know what you mean about delaying dinner in order to take photos! Thanks for your kind words!

  17. Hello John, I always admired you and Mrs. Riff. However, now after reading the interview love your culinary team even more as it is nice to get to know the person behind the food and beverages. It is interesting to hear that you like Indian spices and actually now that you mention that I can see how you bring this concept into your dishes. I look forward to reading the photography book that you have suggested. Have a relaxing weekend and take care, BAM

    1. Hi Bam, thanks for your kind words! Isn't it fun learning more about fellow bloggers? I love interviews like this, because it's an easy way to answer some of those questions I know people have (and Kim writes terrific questions, so the interview was loads of fun). That book is totally worth reading (I purchased my copy with my own money - no sponsorship stuff going on here!). Hope you have a great weekend too, and I'm glad you enjoyed the interview.

  18. Congrats on the interview -- a great read!

    ps: I was shocked at first, when I read the title of this post :D

    1. Hi Kiran, thanks for the kind words! And I have to say I really enjoyed writing the title of the post - it's totally accurate, but of course it's quite easy to read it the way that you first did! ;-)


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